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Portable Commercial Airduct Cleaning Equipment

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Airduct Cleaning machine Portable Commercial Airduct Cleaning Equipment

Why is Air Duct Cleaning important? First of all, your home or business is a very important investment for you. Your HVAC system (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) is the lung of your house or your business so you would want to keep your system as clean as possible. Changing your furnace filters is a big start! But no matter what--dust, pet hair, pollen, etc.--particles get into the duct work & you start potentially breathing in all these things stated. If you feel your system needs a cleaning, we are happy to help! SERVPRO of Lake County has specially trained & licensed technicians to perform the Air Duct cleaning in your home or business.  Give SERVPRO of Lake County a call for all your Air Duct cleaning needs at Ph. 352-735-3311       

Industrial Hygienist

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Ductwork in Ceiling Moldy Ductwork 2024

An Industrial Hygienist is often called in to test the indoor air quality of structures affected by growth. The hygienist takes air and lift samples to be sent to the lab for comparison to outside levels. The samples are sent out to a lab, who tests each specimen and compares the results to a control group and samples from the outside environment. These tests help determine whether the spore levels inside the structure are outside of the safe range. If the structure "fails" the preliminary test, the hygienist will write a protocol that remediation companies can follow to help deem the structure safe. Here at SERVPRO of Lake County, we frequently work with protocols. Growth jobs can include setting containment, demolition, and micro cleaning. Our crews work diligently to clean the affected areas and reduce spore counts. After mitigation is complete, the hygienist will return to perform a post-test. This test shows whether the mitigation efforts were successful or if further action must be taken.

General Cleaning

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Checking out the Cleaning Equiment Cleaning of floors


When you need it done right and done fast, call SERVPRO of Lake County for all of your commercial cleaning needs.

Quality cleaning and quick response – that’s the SERVPRO® way.

Can't Figure Out How to Get the Job Done?

Call SERVPRO of Lake County for all your emergency restoration needs. Because when you experience a fire, water or mold damage in your facility, you need fast response and the expertise to get the job done right, ensuring your business can get back into operation as quickly as possible. Through it all, you expect the most reliable information and the very best service at a fair price.

We are committed to providing fire and water cleanup and restoration services to reduce business interruptions and recovery cost.

We can provide:

  • Years of experience as a leading fire and water cleanup and restoration provider.
  • A uniformed technician will arrive-on-site usually within in 4 hours of notification
  • Quick response time to help ensure that the damage is contained and the restoration process begins promptly.
  • Large loss capabilities – no fire or water damage is too big.

Be sure to give us a call today, we are always here to help!

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Properly maintained commercial carpet is a strong asset to any facility, providing a clean professional look, a degree of comfort, and a means to remove dust and allergens from the air. Preserving this asset is important, and preventative steps should be taken including simple vacuuming once or twice a week during your scheduled facilities cleaning through more extensive carpet cleaning.


Many things can cause carpet stains; beverages, foods, fertilizer, pesticides, medicines, hair care products and vomit can cause serious staining, requiring carpet cleaning at some level. Often the damage is not discovered immediately, giving the stain time to set and thus becoming more difficult to remove.When this occurs, it is often necessary to contact companies that clean commercial carpets in order to obtain the best results with your facilities cleaning.

Here are a few steps to minimize stain damage:

  • Act soon. Do not let the spot dry and set
  • Always test a spot removal agent in a location concealed from view.
  • Blot the stain. Do not scrub it.
  • Apply a small amount of a recommended cleaning solution to a cloth, not directly to the carpet.
  • Work your way in from the edges of the spot, blotting and rubbing gently.
  • Consult a professional commercial carpet cleaner when dealing with unusual substances such as chemicals.

Mold Remediation

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Schools Student Desk Mold on Students Desk

High Humidity and HVAC system not properly working:

A classroom with a high relative humidity experiences air that is very moist, making students feel overly chilled or sticky depending on the temperature. All that extra water in the air facilitates the growth of bacteria, mold, fungus and dust mites.

High humidity levels even result in condensation forming inside the windows, ceilings and walls of classrooms and other areas of a school, damaging building materials.

Controlling Humidity Levels
Moisture concerns inside schools are caused by a wide range of conditions, such as leaks in plumbing and in the roof, condensation, damp ground beneath a structure and outdoor humidity. The simple act of students exhaling creates moisture. Tightly sealed newer buildings might not allow moisture to escape. Even temporary, portable classrooms frequently see higher humidity and mold growth.

There are several ways to control and reduce humidity levels inside schools and classrooms. 

  • Make sure adequate ventilation exists to keep humidity levels between 30% and 50%. 
  • Install exhaust fans if you have kitchens for cooking and washing dishes inside classrooms. Give individual classrooms a de-humidifier.
  • Install insulation to cut back on condensation on cold surfaces like windows, exterior walls, pipes and floors.
  • Mount tile around drinking fountains and classroom sinks and on the floor below.

By controlling humidity levels, pathogens, mold, fungus and allergens are controlled as well. If mold is not removed after optimum humidity levels are reached.

Water Damage

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Equipment set Logging in equipment on a commercial water loss

An Emergency Water damage came in toward the end of the work day. All of our crew chiefs and technician's were on other projects so our owners and myself (marketing and quality control manager) loaded up equipment on our cargo trailer and headed to the medical facility. Upon arrival we began to access the loss with the manager of the facility. We took reading of the areas affected and began to unload the equipment and placed it in the affected areas. We placed twenty two air movers, four dehumidifiers and one air scrubber. The cause of loss was from a janitors closet drain backup. They requested that we spray an anti microbial product through the entire facility. We sprayed approximately 3,000 square feet of the facility. The customers were very pleased how quickly we we responded to there loss and got everything under control.  

Water Damage

4/3/2024 (Permalink)

Carpet removal Tearing out commercial carpet

Flooding and other water damage can be sudden and destructive to your property. If left untreated, the excess water can cause health hazards and create structural damage. Immediate action is necessary to save you both money and worry. Whether the culprit is a broken pipe, a faulty household appliance, an overloaded washing machine, sewage back up, or simply rainwater, a commercial building flooding can be devastating – and when it comes time to fix water damage, it can be costly.

Turn to SERVPRO of Lake County for quality water damage restoration services that are effective and affordable. We use cutting-edge technology and non-invasive methods to find the cause of flooding and fix it at the root of the problem. Unlike other technicians, we have in-depth understanding and experience assessing water damage and creating customized solutions. Our highly trained professionals arrive on time, prepared, and get the job done right, fast and on time. Please call SERVPRO of Lake County at 352-735-3311                                                

Multiple SERVPRO Vehicles

4/2/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Vehicles SERVPRO Vehicles Responding to a house fire

Damage caused by a fire is devastating for your family and your home. It’s a stressful and confusing time, so you’ll need a caring expert to guide you through this crisis. Our professionals will always treat you with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with great care.

SERVPRO of Lake County Florida has the water and fire damage training and expertise to help you through this tough time. Once the fire department leaves, your Lake County home may suffer from water damage caused by firefighting efforts. We have the specialized fire and water damage restoration training, personnel, and equipment to handle fire and water damage and can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. Please give SERVPRO of Lake county a call at 352-735-3311

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

4/2/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO techs cleaning Commercial Carpet Cleaning

  1. Wet cleaning

How it works

Also known as hot water extraction or steam cleaning, the carpet is first pre-conditioned with a chemical reagent that liquefies soils and oil-based substances which may be present in the carpet fibers. Water is heated to a temperature near its boiling point and pressurized, then injected into the carpet. After about 10 to 15 minutes, the solution is extracted with a vacuum.

  1. Gets out soiling from deep down in the carpet.                                                                                                         2. Allows the use of high temperatures, pressures and chemical concentrates.                                                           3. Permits extended dwell times for reaction of cleaning solvents.                                                                                   4. Chemical reactivity facilitated by agitation with grooming tool or extraction wand.

This is the most widely used method.                                                                                                            Recommended by carpet manufacturers and industry cleaning experts and professionals

  1. Cleaning with an absorbent pad

How it works

This carpet cleaning method is also commonly known as bonnet cleaning and is most often used for routine light maintenance. It can also be used for regular carpet cleaning. The carpet is first vacuumed, and then a chemical solution is sprayed on to it with a hand pump or electric sprayer. The solution is allowed to stay on the carpet for a suitable dwell or reaction time.

The absorbent pad or bonnet, which looks like a towel, is placed on the drive block of a rotary floor machine and spun over the carpet surface at 100 to 300 rpm. This action serves to impregnate the carpet fibers with the chemical solution and then pick it up with the soils afterward.

  1. Fast, simple and inexpensive.                    2. Excellent results with lightly soiled carpets.
  2. Dry cleaning with an absorbent compound

How it works

A powder that has been mixed with special solvents and cleaning agents is spread over the carpet, and then worked into the carpet fibers with a machine fitted with counter-rotating brushes. The powder absorbs soils in the carpet fibers. After it’s allowed to set on the carpet for 10 to 15 minutes, it’s vacuumed up.

  1. Very simple system with no special technical training required.                                                                                 2. Very fast drying, it typically only takes about 20 minutes before the carpet can be back in service.
  2. Dry foam or rotary shampoo method

How it works

A cleaning agent is applied to the carpet to help suspend dirt and debris in the carpet, which is then whipped into foam and worked into the carpet fibers with the rotating brushes of a special machine. After a short dwell time, the foam is extracted with a vacuum.


  1. Fast, simple to apply and inexpensive.                                                                                                                       2. Rotating brushes provide excellent agitation.                                                                                                             3. Small amount of moisture allows fast drying of carpet.

Moldy Subfloor

4/2/2024 (Permalink)

Exposed Subfloor Removing Contaminated Subfloor

Mold - you can't wish it away and you can't really avoid it. However, you can get rid of it. There are many kinds of mold. In nature, they're beneficial as those molds decompose biological matter that would otherwise drown the world in waste. When the mold spores drift inside your home, if the spores find a suitable, damp environment, they begin to grow. The result is more than distasteful - it can cause health effects. If it's growing under your flooring, you need to fix the cause, kill and remove the mold, then replace the flooring. In this particular case the damage floor was present for the last few months and they didn't notice until their floor was about to cave it. For all your mold assessment and remediation needs, please call SERVPRO of Lake County Fl. 1-352-735-3311